Use our Stock Screener to analyze key financial metrics and determine the investment quality of a business
View curated stock financials, designed for the long-term dividend growth investor. This includes detailed graphs and tables for revenue, net income, free cash flow, dividends, margins, shares outstanding, stock-based compensation, etc. Additionally, there are compound annual growth rates (CAGR) calculated for each metric.
View Annual/Quarterly financial statements. (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement)
Dividend Growth Calculations, Full Dividend History, Dividend Yield, & Dividend Safety. View 1, 3, 5, and 10-year compound annual growth rates (CAGR) of the dividend.
View Shares Outstanding on a quarterly and annual basis. Identify negative trends like dilution and positive shareholder returns like buybacks.
Identify worrying financial trends before they drive down the stock price. Analyze Dividend Safety to stay far away from dividend cuts.
-Warren Buffett, CEO Berkshire Hathaway
Stay far away from dividend cuts by analyzing the dividend payout ratio. This calculation is based on both free cash flow (FCF) and the traditional Net Income based payout ratio.
Dive through the balance sheet statements to determine the financial stability of a business. Graphically view long-term trends for assets, liabilities, cash on hand, and much more.
Easily discover negative cash flow trends to avoid or sell a stock before the business faces financial trouble. Be proactive to avoid Dividend Cuts!