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The best data visualizations to help analyze key financial metrics and determine the investment quality of a business

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A Subscription That Actually Makes You Money!

You're already planning your financial future. Why not invest in trying to improve your return? If we help you identify just 1 slightly better stock, then it pays for itself.

Why Investors Love Us

A Great Community

"You have a great community with tons of knowledgeable people. The software is great and I have had no issues with it."

-Blake Dickerson

Helps Give you Confidence

"A great value! Tons of past performance of companies financials to help you make decisions and intrinsic value calculations helps give you confidence in your picks."

-Arthur Brawley

The Service is Amazing

"The service is amazing, I have used different service tools and this is the one that resonates with me. My favorite is the research tool. Thank you very much Zach. Following you since 2021."

-Nestor Rodriguez

Pays For Itself

"Before dividend data I was unable to have my portfolio laid out in front of me. Having the information dividend data provides helps me track my stocks and also helps me “purchase the dip”. This software gives me guidance and certainly “pays for itself". Thank you Zach"

-David Johnson

Great Statistics To Help Make A Decision

"As a relatively new dividend investor, it is nice to be able to track how quickly my dividends are growing, as well as easily being able to calculate DRIP shares. The stock research portion allows you to easily look up great statistics to help make a decision."

-Johnny Carlucci

Makes Investment Tracking Simple

"The service you offer enables me to test investment strategies and forecast the possible results over time to reach my investment goals. It also lets me track current investment performance at a glance. Your program makes investment tracking simple."

-Shawn Kennair

Helps Me Plan Ahead

"Your tool helps me track Projected Income, so that I have better understanding of what to expect when. Which company is going to pay me dividends and when. That helps me plan ahead."


A Great Source To Do Research

"It has helped me keep up with my dividends and it’s a great source to do research on current and future stock investments."

-Adolfo Cruz

Very Well Put Together

"The YouTube channel is very well put together in teaching how to research a stock and tell what a price should be. The website allows individuals to have allot of information in one place."

-Cameron Canales

Helps Me Organize

"It really helps me organize how much money I will make off of dividends in a year and plan accordingly. Unlike Webull which doesn't tell me how much I am projected to make in dividends."


Gives Me Insights

"Tracks my dividends, gives me insights into my value across all my portfolios. Able to look into news, and find what others are investing in"

-Christopher Siegel

Great Value

"Great value. Clean presentation. Responsive to suggestions from users."

-Leigh Rosenberg

Created to Help Average People Like Myself

"I love Dividend Data because I'm not just a growth investor, but a dividend investor. I like to see how my dividends are gradually growing. I've been investing for five years and my journey of constantly learning and experiencing how great research websites help ordinary people or an average joe like myself build tremendous knowledge to understand what real investing is all about.

You're thinking more like a business owner because you are slowly generating capital whether it's from your job or side hustle to invest in real companies that you understand. But you must be willing to do your homework and this is where research websites like and others can help you build that skill.

In my opinion, Dividend Data and other research/software websites were not created for us to gamble away our hard earn money. They were created to help average people like myself learn how to do deep thorough research on companies (not stocks) that we like or understand. This can help us build and develop our investment skills. Most importantly, help us reach our financial goals and become financially independent. That is why I will recommend Dividend Data to others."

-Leon Benjamin

It Will Be a Great Investment

"I've been watching your videos for a while now and you cover and deliver superb quality. I have been building my portfolio in a similar manner to yours rooted from the covid shock with the thesis of 'building a portfolio to endure' applying quality companies that can reliably deliver dividends and act as 'pillars' to my portfolio over time.

Anyway, while watching your video, I decided to look at your Dividend Data website and it is very well put together. I think it is amazing to have all the historical data of companies in one spot to quickly look up and compare when doing my due diligence. The "your portfolio" tab is not something I use, but the 4 tabs above it are so jammed with thorough data for endless hours of personal research I am a huge fan. Keep up the good work! I'm happy to have bought a 1 yr membership, I can tell it will be a great investment and addition to my portfolio


-Carlo De Pascale

The Best "All-In-One" Resource

"The best "all-in-one" resource for tracking my existing DRIP portfolio, projecting what my annual dividend income stream will look like for the year both by expected months of payment, as well as some of the best visualizations of how that income stream has grown over time to see up-front and center, that snowball effect taking place.

This software continues to sharpen my stock purchasing decision making by using the available research tools which I view as being a life-long study. You can always learn something new about the markets!

I have been interested in Zach's project since the beta testing and continue to support both his YouTube Channel and his dividend stock portfolio tracking and research services and I see no reason why I would stop anytime soon.

Thank you Dividend Data!"

-Garrett Ray
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you best use the site? is designed as a desktop/laptop web-based research application. It can be used on mobile platforms via the web browser. The best user experience is on larger screens.

Is there a Limit on the number of AI chats?

The base plan allows you to have 100 prompts per month. To increase usage, upgrade your plan. Contact

What Stocks are in the Stock Analysis Tool?

The research page is currently limited to NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. Over the long term, We’re looking to add support for international stocks.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Visa, American Express, Mastercard, and Discover credit/debit cards. Also, you can use Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Cash App Pay. All payments are securely processed by Stripe.

What Stocks are available for Portfolio Tracking?

For tracking purposes (Portfolio/Income), Dividend Data supports over 40,000 stocks/funds, from exchanges across the globe. On top of this, their price is automatically converted into USD ($) so that it’s a consistent experience. Here are the Supported Exchanges:

Can You automatically link Portfolios?

Dividend Data supports automatic linking for supported US brokerages. This allows you to automatically import your portfolio and all its holdings into the software.

International Currency Support?

Dividend Data currently only has the option to denominate everything in US dollars. Support for CAD and EURO is in the product pipeline.